Mining3 collaborates with Eartheye Space Technologies
Mining3 welcomes its collaboration with the largest multi-sensor satellite aggregator platform for self-service direct tasking and information feeds, Eartheye Space Technologies.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Eartheye Space, Dr Shankar Sivaprakasam spoke at the recent Innovation Forum, hosted by Mining3, and saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, marking the official start of this exciting collaboration.
Together, the collaboration will establish a co-creative Mining Space-Tech Centre of Excellence (COE), set to deliver essential insights for the mining industry.
Shankar noted “collaborating with Mining3 is a game changer for Eartheye Space, whose business model is predicated on sensor-as-a-service (SAAS) from space, complementing Mining3’s underground and over-ground sensor focus.”
Mining3 Chief Executive Officer, Dr Neville Plint remarks, “this collaboration is part of Mining3’s strategy to grow a network of technology innovators with unique capabilities that can transform the mining industry.”
Mining3 Senior Research Engineer, David John says “it’s exciting to be involved in the endeavour of adapting space technology for Earth-based applications. Our collaboration with multi-sensor satellite platforms, combined with the integration of on-site sensing data, is set to deliver essential insights for the mining industry.”
This joint effort will tackle various challenges in the mining industry, including greenhouse gas emissions, mine planning and mapping, subsidence, tailings, ground monitoring, and numerous other issues. Shankar says, “The Centre of Excellence will benefit the mining industry in Australia and globally as we bring earth observation-based data, information and insights into the sustainable management of the entire lifecycle of mining.”
Eartheye Space Technologies, with access to over 250 satellites, and growing with a multitude of sensors orbiting the Earth, will provide relevant sensor-as-a-service data, which will be analysed by leveraging Mining3’s extensive domain knowledge and expertise along with ground sensing data, offering better insights to support the safety, sustainability, and efficiency of mining practices.
About Eartheye Space Technologies
Eartheye Space, a space-tech startup, solves the accessibility and affordability of earth observation (EO) data by aggregating EO satellites from commercial and government operators in one platform on subscription for direct tasking. The company also solves the usability of EO data by automatically extracting relevant information from the tasked data. The unique self-service capability is used by defence & intelligence agencies, government departments and commercial businesses.
About Mining3
Mining3 is committed to accelerating the development and deployment of new technology, delivering industry-changing value. We bring together the best thinking of mining companies, universities and OEMs to deliver great value for the industry. In partnership with our members, our team develop tangible solutions to industry-identified challenges to make your operations safer, more productive and nature positive. Mining3 welcomes new members and partners in together accelerating quality innovations globally.